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About Liftness

Welcome! My name is Matthew Young and I am the Creator and Founder of Liftness. Liftness has a very simple concept, it is a vessel for inspiring and teaching change in people's fitness, health and general well being. Like with most simple things in life, the tendency is to over complicate, add detail and exaggerate. I like to simplify most things. Getting down to uncomplicated and objective judgments just makes things easier to understand and therefore absorb into our lives. It would do most of us some good to start subtracting details rather than add to what is no doubt a life full of unnecessary complications. 


The information found on this site consists of tried and tested techniques and protocols. While useful information can be found on other sites, Liftness endeavors to provide everything a fitness professional or enthusiast might need to fully realise their aesthetic, performance or lifestyle goals.


I wish you a warm welcome, and terrific experience!


Kindest Regards,






P.S. Having trouble finding the answer to your troubles on the site? Submit a question in the question box and we'll get back to you within 24hrs! (PLEASE NO SPAM)


P.S. 2 We will be rebranding soon, but don't worry, we'll keep all our content!

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