How Long Will It Take To Build My Dream Physique?
INTRO: It's disheartening to learn that what we want will not come easy or quickly. In fact, it can be so demoralising that it could put us off for good - like many of us are - and it's part of the reason why we don't see dream physiques everywhere we look. If you're reading this, you're already aware of this, and it's probably the reason why you are here in the first place. This article is designed to provide clarity and direction for what it takes mentally and time-wise to make consistent progress with achieving your dream physique, so that motivation is maintained long term.
BY THE WAY: The stress of going to the gym and not knowing what you are doing or if you're even improving can get debilitating. Stay tuned till the end to discover what exactly you should be doing inside and outside the gym to avoid this common problem.

To build a natural looking and balanced physique takes years of dedication!
1. Our physique needs to be built in the first place
2. This is about Your Physique and no-one else's
3. Progress depends completely on how serious you are
4. It is a marathon not a sprint
5. It will all be worth it
Before you get too scared or intimidated, understand that the beauty of your physique is not only defined by how it looks visually, but by the journey it took to achieve it. You will learn along the way that any results you get from training and dieting is secondary to the self-empowerment that a fitness lifestyle provides.
So let's get into it.
1. Our Physiques Need To Be Built In The First Place
Thoughts without actions produce nothing in reality. Wishing or praying won't do anything for your physique progression. First, realise you need to put in the work consistently in order to continue to make changes (as well as maintain what you've already built). How does this translate to weight gain or fat loss? For men it will mean building an average of 20-35lbs of muscle mass over a full lifting career (women 10-15lbs). If you think this is not much muscle over a lifetime then to put it into perspective place the same amount of meat by weight on the kitchen counter. It's a lot. Very few trainees will ever reach this level of development (naturally) because they simply won't apply consistent effort long term. Men will then need to reach at least 10-12% body fat to have abdominal definition (preferably 8-10%), and women 15-17% body fat.
TRUTH BOMB: Self Acceptance is key to change. Once you accept your current shape, then you can accept that your past + current activity and diet habits have informed it. The more unapologetically honest you can be about habits that don't serve your needs, the easier it will be to change them.
2. This Is About Your Physique And No-One Else's
Now you know you need to put in the work, you don't want to fall into the trap of comparing your results to someone else's. Yes, use others as inspiration and motivation, but don't ever hold yourself accountable for not looking identical to a particular person. That's why the range given for the amount of mass to build is so large (see above). We are all different, have different muscle shapes and attachments, metabolisms, hormones, digestive systems, bones, ligaments, joints and muscle fibres. Remember, many small changes short term manifest themselves as huge changes long term. Focus on improving yourself a little bit every day and you can ensure tremendous progress over time.
TRUTH BOMB: No-one is a super human. The human genome is not so profoundly varied that someone can build 50, 60, 70lbs of lean muscle completely naturally. I promise you that if you begin your journey with those kinds of expectations you will be quickly disappointed. Aim for 3-5lbs of muscle per year averagely (yes I'm afraid that is a realistic average - and growth will even slow down the more advanced you get!), 1.5-3lbs averagely for women.
3. Progress Depends Completely On How Serious You Are
Do you go to the gym with a mission or do you go to just work up a sweat and feel good? Do you eat with a very specific intention or do you eat whatever you want because you 'workout?' The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about the current condition you're in, compared to where you want to be. The great thing is that you can change the answers to these questions right now, and you already know how these questions need to be answered. You need specific training goals and a diet plan to support them. Being strict with precise goals is the only way to track and manage progress long term, end of story. See the links at the bottom of the article for more info on this topic.
TRUTH BOMB:Â You are going to need to make sacrifices regularly in order to make way for your physique progress. Late nights, alcohol, recreational drugs, emotional stress, junk food, and inconsistencies will prolong the time it takes for you to achieve your dream physique.
4. It Is A Marathon Not A Sprint
Every person who has built a great natural physique has spent years and years devoted to their fitness lifestyle. With the average rate of muscle growth being 3-5lbs per year, that's 7-10 years of lifting weights and dieting with the intention to progress to reach your genetic potential and 'dream' physique. Then of course, keeping up the training and dieting to maintain it. Fat loss also takes time, aim for 1lb per week of fat loss averagely, (this will need to be done too in order to reveal the muscle mass you have built). Trying to accelerate fat loss beyond that long term is unsustainable and may lead to metabolic damage and/or muscle loss. See the end of this article for more info on fat loss.
TRUTH BOMB: The body never lies. If you don't do consistent work and eat a consistent diet, your body simply won't change. This is where most people trip up; they can maybe stick to a progressive program for a few weeks, but certainly not a few years.
5. It Will All Be Worth It
Don't get disheartened about how long it will take, as there's joy to be had at every step of the way. Instead, get excited about starting the journey. The beginning is always very daunting, and the tasks ahead may seem insurmountable, but it is the way you get there that will ensure your emotional fulfilment with the lifestyle - and at the end of it you'll have the best physical version of yourself to enjoy and be extremely proud of. Learn something about yourself and your body that you never knew before and join a fitness family that is amongst one of the most supportive of its kind. I promise you, it will all be worth it.
TRUTH BOMB: Whether you like it or not, the time is going to pass any way, so you may as well use that time productively and build your dream physique. You cannot put a price on health and vitality. Do your future self a massive favour and start now.
1. It takes conscious ACTION to build a physique
2. Individualise Your Goals
3. Get Serious, Make Sacrifices
4. Think In Years Not Weeks
5. Enjoy The Journey, Not Only The Results
Article Author,
Matt The Trainer

For more information on Personal Training, please visit Matt's Website:
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Don't begin your journey without knowing what to actually do in the gym or what to eat, click on these links below to learn the best ways to get the fastest results!
Happy Lifting!