The 7 Best Machines For Muscle Growth
Exercise choice is an art form and makes all the difference when in pursuit of your dream physique. Free weights will always have their...
5 Ways To Improve Hormone Levels
Hormones are the catalyst for many bodily processes, and contribute strongly to body composition levels. There are both good and bad...
12 Questions With Former 6-Time Mr.Scotland - Norman Rough!
Norman Rough holds many Bodybuilding titles, most notably winning Mr. Scotland a record 6 times in a row (1965-70). Here we ask him to...
5 Reasons Cable Machines Are Better Than Free Weights
If you are familiar with some simple laws of leverage and how range of motion effects bio-mechanics then you will know the concept behind...
Inspiration: Steve Reeves
Steve Reeves (1926-2000) was an American Bodybuilder and Actor. Famous for his amazing physique and good looks Steve rose to stardom...
The 3 Steps To Total Muscular Failure
What is important is that you make sure your muscles are challenged in every workout if you wish for continued change in body composition...
Nutrition: Old School vs New School
There is a huge difference in approach to Nutrition today in bodybuilding and fitness compared to the 60s, 70s and 80s 'Classic' or...
Inspiration: Serge Nubret
Serge Nubret is known for many things, but it was his physique and lifestyle approach that inspired a generation of Men and Women to...
The Top 7 Protein Supplements on! USA
Our Top 7 Protein Supplement Picks from! Protein is vital when trying to burn body fat and build muscle - so make sure you are...
5 Ways To Avoid A Training Plateau
Words and numbers on a page cannot change your body - the program just provides a structure to your training so you manage to train all...